Tall Avelino in blue

Tall Avelino in blue

When paths diverge, The Tall Avelino in blue color reunites its composition with a graceful gesture. This glass work contains a small element of opaque blue colored glass that runs up the right side as shown in the photo. This art glass sculpture captures the light...
Trans Terra Ceia in blue

Trans Terra Ceia in blue

The harmonious combined elements of earth and sky are found within The Trans Terra Ceia in blue color. More than one view to what lies beyond is presented within this sculptural composition.The upper portion of this glass form has been sandblasted creating a...
Trans Bolinas in cerulean blue

Trans Bolinas in cerulean blue

The Trans Bolinas in cerulean blue evokes a figurative landscape with its horizontal orientation. Transparent blue and opaque lapis blue are combined to form a contrast within the hand blown glass. This art glass sculpture has polished and sandblasted to create the...

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